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campus experiences

As an International Studies major, my undergraduate experience at the University of Florida (UF) was naturally teeming with international coursework. However, it was through the International Scholars Program (ISP) that my international experiences were enriched outside of the classroom. With the support of ISP, I attended several international events over the years, ranging from social activities such as the screening of the movie Persepolis, to professional development seminars, such as a Q&A with a global careers panel. In addition,  ISP encouraged me to go beyond my required international coursework. After finishing my beginner level coursework in French Language and Culture, I endeavored to complete the Intermediate level to achieve basic proficiency. Furthermore, I was inspired to declare a minor in International Development and Humanitarian Assistance after taking AEB 3761 Comparative World Agriculture as an elective. Read more about my most meaningful international courses and experiences below:


AEB 3671: Comparative world Agriculure

For my final project in Comparative World Agriculture, I prepared a charcuterie board composed of products traditionally sourced from all over the world. The creation of the board was shown via a recipe video which was supplemented by a written report analyzing the processes of global trade and distribution. 

fre 2221: intermediate french ii

During my most advanced course in French Language and Culture, I applied my knowledge of syntax and grammar conventions to several spoken presentations. Additionally, I created a final project which used several different kinds of media to comparatively evaluate social and cultural dynamics in French versus English speaking countries. After completing this course, I have reached the Advanced level.

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university scholars program 

As one of 200 undergraduate student selected to participate in the 2022-2023 University Scholars Program, I conducted a research project analyzing franchises' use of trademarks in the global economy. Specifically, we looked at how national trademarks fare in a globalized world.

Hamilton center for civic education

As a 2023-2024 fellow in the UF Hamilton Center Society of Fellows, I had the opportunity to meet with lecturers from around the world, including Economist correspondent Adam O'Neal. In May 2024 we will travel as a group to London to visit the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge for a series of seminars on Western philosophy.

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