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south Africa internship

In the Summer of 2019, I traveled to Cape Town, South Africa, where I interned with Projects Abroad Human Rights Office (PAHRO) for four weeks.  I assisted attorney Maria Mulindi in office work and client consultations primarily for disenfranchised citizens of apartheid and asylum seekers. She handled cases varying from refugees hoping to confirm their legal status to local citizens seeking legal counsel in employment or residential matters. In addition to my work in the office, our team of interns worked on several communal outreach programs. Our largest project involved coordinating a holiday day camp for children ages 4-14. We also volunteered around the community doing various smaller projects including painting a local community center, picking up trash and debris, planting greenery, and handing out donations.


free legal aid

Twice a week, interns like myself would go to the local library where we conducted preliminary client interviews and assisted the client in the initial filings. We listened to so many different stories and connected with the local community.

outreach holiday program

We worked with a local school to coordinate a communal outreach program for 250 children ages 4-14 during their holiday break. The children participated in sports, arts and crafts, and team building games. The program was meant to help the children find meaningful ways to spend their time, as well improve as their connection to the community.


community service

Another project I was part of involved volunteering our time to help improve the conditions in local communities. We worked weekly painting one of the local community centers to revitalize it and empower the people to continue serrving the community.

cultural immersion

During my time in South Africa, I traveled to Gansbaai where I went shark cage diving, visited the Cape of Good Hope, hiked to the top of  Table Mountain, and saw a variety of wildlife. More importantly, I connected with the local culture by spending time with my host family, interacting with PAHRO clients, and Cape Town residents.

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